Well, things are going pretty nicely. I feel that although doing the studies and taking notes is important, I really just gotta make a film. Every now and then I keep thinkin' I can't do something very big because of the limited resources, but if I can be really totally insanely out-of-my-mind, maybe the "effects" will make this work.
Then again, starting with fairly simple silent shorts is a great idea. I just need story ideas. A couple are starting to grow in my little brain, but I feel I can definitely expand on them. I won't say too much about them, but one is a horror concept, and the other may be a sci-fi concept. I love the idea of having my first film be a horror film, so I'll see what I can do with the story.
In other news, I'm starting to learn the music software I've chosen. It's LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio), and so far it's very fun. I think a few more videos and more studies of music concepts will give me enough to start making fairly simple music. Of course, starting with piano-only film scores is a fun idea as it will go with the silent films perfectly.
Okay, now for the drawing side. I have to admit I haven't been drawing as much as I should be. I'm still in the middle of a figure drawing book, I need to return to the composition techniques, and I'm still saving the animal drawing for last, but I think as far as core principles go I'm ok. It's just flat-out crazy with everything I'm trying to learn. It's all fun, but man I can only imagine what it'll be like when I'm actually making films and stuff.
Wellp, time to return to the studies. I'll have to make more posts here. With the news and updates on my favorite filmmakers' latest/upcoming work, I've been feeling totally motivated to get something done. Heh, it'll probably be a little weird seeing how my stuff turns out, but that's part of learning. I feel I'm quite ready.